Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007

The crazy world of Lord John Vargas

I am writing this blog with no personal interests or agendas and it represents the thoughts of a group of people, who are sick and tired of liars. Although, it is a waste of time to write about liars, I really like to protect and warn people who deal, or will be dealing with such persons to be careful.

Although lies are part of the human nature, when they take control over people's minds and personalities then it becomes a pathologic state, and professional psychiatric aid is needed.

One fine example of liars who buit their entire identity based on lies and phantasy is an individual I knew, by the name Lord John Vargas. John Vargas is what I would call a notorious liar. A Puertorican, American British Lord according to his own claims.

The man is 36 years old and claims to be

1. A lord by birth and the owner of a huge property in the UK, where people who live there would recognize him as the Lord they knew years ago
2. A wounded army veteran who claims to have fought in Somalia 20 years ago at the age of 16, yes at the age of 16??
3. A millionaire and the owner of a fortune 500 Company that does not exist
4. A master diver, cave diver, a pilot
5. The owner of several Ferraris and a helicopter, probably all matchboxes
6. The son of the owner of world's largest Computer chip and computer boards manufacturer located in Puerto Rico. I never knew that the largest Chip and board manufacturer is located in Puerto Rico
7. A non practicing US lawyer, who does not have a degree by a US law school
8. A graduate in PR and political science
9. An certified adveturer, where I never heard of an adveturer certification
10. A descendant of the Templar knights
11. The manager of a large Swiss watch company that he probably worked for
12. A practicing chiropractor

The list of his lies can go on and on but it is obvious that one man at the age of 36 cannot have enough time in his lifetime to have achieved all the above.